Past Projects

Bibliometric Literature Review on Disability and Employment

Chloë Atkins, Andrea Whiteley, and Brenna Leslie conducted a quantitative literature review to understand the publishing landscape in the area of disability and employment. Using the Web of Science, Google Scholar and qualitative ways of understanding the literature, the research team is analyzing more than 1500 publications. Preliminary analysis has confirmed that current bibliometric tools, such as Web of Science, are not sufficient, given that a good deal of research in this area is published in books rather than journals (Martin-Martin et al., 2018).

Disability Policy Country Reports

Chloë Atkins, Caroline Casinelli, Rachel Desborough, and Isabelle Avakumovic-Pointon created reports on the current disability policies in five countries: Canada, the USA, the UK, France, and Belgium.

Broadcastability Season 1 (Sept. 2021-Aug. 2022)

Broadcastability,” is a podcast by, for, and about disabled workers. Season 1 is hosted by Chloë Atkins and Andrea Whiteley. Through this 8-episode podcast season, we want to share the “hands-on” experience of people with disabilities in the workplace. Their knowledge of how different types of attitudes, behaviours and policies encourage their participation in the workforce and make their ongoing remunerative employment possible. In doing so, we are partnering with Easter Seals of Canada under their “Reimagine Employability Initiative” which offers multiple resources to employers to encourage the hiring of individuals with disabilities. The program also seeks to act as a link between scholarly research efforts in the area of disability and employment and the community of employers and job-seekers.


  • Making an accessible Canada for persons with disabilities
  • Maroto, M. and Pettinicchio, D. (2020), Barriers to Economic Security: Disability, Employment, and Asset Disparities in Canada. Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, 57: 53-79. doi:10.1111/cars.12268
  • Wall, K. 2017. Low Income among Persons with a Disability in Canada—Insights on Canadian Society, Catalogue No. 75‐006‐X. Ottawa, ON: Statistics Canada.